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        侯一筠 研究员/博导

        研究方向: 物理365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话学
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        联系方式: 0532-82898608
        电子邮件: yjhou@qdio.ac.cn

        ● 1996.05-1997.02,美国特拉华大学高级访问学者

        ● 1988.12-1990.12,中国科学院365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话研究所物理365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话博士后研究

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        1. Wang K, Hou Y*, Li S, Du M, Chen J and Lu Y (2020). A comparative study of storm surge and wave setup in the East China Sea between two severe weather events. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 235, 106583.

        2. Li A, Guan S, Mo D, Hou Y*, Hong X and Liu Z (2020). Modeling wave effects on storm surge from different typhoon intensities and sizes in the south China Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 235, 106551.

        3. Li J, Hou Y*, Mo D, Liu Q and Zhang Y (2019). Influence of Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Size on Storm Surge in the Northern East China Sea. Remote Sensing, 11, 3033.

        4. He Y, Hu Po, Yin Y, Liu Z, Liu Y, Hou Y* and Zhang Y (2019). Vertical migration of the along-slope counter-flow and its relation with the Kuroshio intrusion off Northeastern Taiwan. Remote Sensing, 11, 2624.

        5. Hou Y, Liu Y, Hu P and Wang Z (2017). Nonlinear dynamics of Kuroshio intrusion in the Luzon Strait. Science China Earth Sciences, 60(4), 761-769.

        6. Yin Y, Lin X, He R and Hou Y (2017). Impact of mesoscale eddies on Kuroshio intrusion variability northeast of Taiwan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122, 3021-3040.

        7. Shen H and Hou Y (2016). Effects of large-amplitude internal solitary waves on ROV operationA numerical study. Science China Earth Sciences, 59(5), 1074-1080.

        8. Mo D, Hou Y*, Li J and Liu Y (2016). Study on the storm surges induced by cold waves in the Northern East China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 160, 26-39.

        9.Yang B, Hou Y*, Hu P, Liu Z and Liu Y (2015). Shallow ocean response to tropical cyclones observed on the continental shelf of the northwestern South China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120, 3817-3836.

        10. Hou Y, Jiang X and Liu Y (2015). China coastal seas under severe sea state: remote sensing and dynamics studies. Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 33(5), 1101-1103.


        1Yuanzhi Zhang, Yijun Hou, Xiaomei Yang (2018).Sea Level Rise and Coastal Infrastructure .  IntechOpen


        1. 2017年度中国科学院“朱李月华优秀教师”奖. 2017.

        2. 2013年度365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话工程科学技术奖(社会公益一等奖). 2013.中国近海中尺度365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话动力过程时空特征研究及其应用,主要完成人:侯一筠,朱江,潘锋,周成虎,申辉,王凡,李整林,苏奋振,宋金宝,谢基平,尹宝树,杨晓梅,齐鹏,胡珀,徐振华。