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        曹 亮 副研究员

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        5. 国家科技重大专项,核电厂温排水的环境影响评价研究,总经费:255万元,主持,结题


        1. Cui Wenting, Liu Jinhu, Cao Liang*, Dou Shuozeng*, 2021. Toxicological effects of cadmium on the immune response and biomineralization of larval flounder Paralichthys olivaceus under seawater acidification. Chemosphere, 291(2), 132919.

        2. Xu Lili, Cao Liang, Huang Wei, Liu Jinhu and Dou Shuozeng*, 2021. Assessment of plastic pollution in the Bohai Sea: abundance, spatial distribution and characteristics. Environmental Pollution, 278, 116874.

        3. Liang Cao, Jinhu Liu, Shuozeng Dou, Wei Huang. 2020. Biomagnification of methylmercury in a marine food web in Laizhou Bay T (North China) and associated potential risks to public health. Marine Pollution Bulletin 150: 110762.

        4. Zhonghua Ren, Jinhu Liu, Wei Huang, Liang Cao, Wenting Cui, Shuozeng Dou. 2019. Antioxidant defenses and immune responses of flounder Paralichthys T olivaceus larvae under methylmercury exposure. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part C 225: 108589

        5. Xiang Yu, Fangzhu Wu, Xiaoqun Xu, Quanzhen Chen, Lin Huang, Berhane Teklehaimanot Tesfai, Liang Cao*, Xudan Xu, Shuozeng Dou, Wei Huang. 2019. Effects of short term methylmercury exposure on growth and development of the large yellow croaker embryos and larvae. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 754.

        6. Zhonghua Ren, Liang Cao, Wei Huang, Jinhu Liu, Wenting Cui, Shuozeng Dou. 2019. Toxicity Test Assay of Waterborne Methylmercury on the Japanese Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) at Embryonic‐Larval Stages. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 102: 770-777.

        7. Wenting Cui, Liang Cao, Jinhu Liu, Zhonghua Ren, Bo Zhao, Shuozeng Dou. 2020. Effects of seawater acidification and cadmium on the antioxidant defense of flounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae. Science of the Total Environment 718: 137234.

        8. Jinhu Liu, Liang Cao, Shuozeng Dou. 2019. Trophic transfer, biomagnification and risk assessments of four common heavy metals in the food web of Laizhou Bay, the Bohai Sea. Science of the Total Environment 670 : 508-522.

        9. Zhonghua Ren, Jinhu Liu, Shuozeng Dou, Dayan Zhou, Wenting Cui, Zhenbo Lv*, and Liang Cao*, 2020.  Tissue-Specific Accumulation and Antioxidant Defenses in Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) Juveniles Experimentally Exposed to Methylmercury. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 79, 406–420.

        10. Jinhu Liu, Liang Cao, Shuozeng Dou. 2017. Bioaccumulation of heavy metals and health risk assessment in three benthic bivalves along the coast of Laizhou Bay, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin 117: 98–110.

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