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        岗  位:
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        王广策 , 男,46岁,博士,研究员,博士生导师,中国藻类学会理事长,中国生物质能理事会理事,中国365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话生物化学与分子生物学学会理事,中国微生物学会365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话微生物分会理事。近年来,王广策教授主持省部级以上的科技项目20多项,包括国家自然科学基金面上项目5项,重点项目1项,国家863项目4项,科技部农业科技转化项目1项,国家支撑项目1项等。在国内外刊物上发表研究论文150余篇,其中被SCI收录75篇,EI收录12篇;获得国家授权发明专利9项,2005年度获得国家教育部推荐科技进步一等奖1项,2007年获得国家365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话局365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话科技成果创新二等奖1项和中国轻工业联合会科学技术进步二等奖1项,2009年获得国家365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话局365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话科技成果创新一等奖1项。


        1.张学成、王广策等,2006. 龙须菜品系选育的生物学研究、大规模栽培和开发应用. 国家教育部科技进步一等奖

        2.王广策等,2007. 海藻生理活性蛋白和多肽的规模制备及其药源生物的快繁技术. 国家365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话局365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话创新成果二等奖

        3.王广策等,2009. 中国红藻基础生物学研究. 国家365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话局365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话创新成果一等奖


        1. Shan Gao, Xiaoyuan Chen, Qianqian Yi, Guangce Wang*, Guanghua Pan,Apeng Lin, Guang Peng, 2010. A Strategy for the Proliferation of Ulva prolifera, Main Causative Species of Green Tides, with Formation of Sporangia by Fragmentation, PLoS ONE, 5(1): e8571. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008571

        2. Bao Yu Zhang, Fang Yang, Guang Ce Wang* and Guang Peng, 2010. Cloning and quantitative analysis of carbonic anhydrase gene from Porphyra yezoensis, Journal of Phycology, 46, 290–296

        3. Xiujun Xie, Guangce Wang*, Guanghua Pan, Shan Gao, Pu Xu, Jianyi Zhu,2010. Variations in morphology and PSII photosynthetic capabilities during the early development of tetraspores of Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Ohmi) Papenfuss (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta), BMC Developmental Biology, 10:43 doi:10.1186/1471-213X-10-43

        4. Hongjin Qiao, Guangce Wang* and Xiaojuan Zhang, 2009. Isolation and characterization of Chlorella sorokiniana GXNN01 (Chlorophyta) with the properties of heterotrophic and microaerobic growth, Journal of Phycology, 45 (5):1153-1162

        5. Hongyan Liu , Guangce Wang *, Daling Zhu , Guanghua Pan, 2009. Enrichment of the hydrogen-producing microbial community from marine intertidal sludge by different pretreatment methods, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,34:9696-970

        6. A-Peng Lin, Guang-Ce Wang*, Fang Yang and Guang-Hua Pan, 2009. Photosynthetic parameters of sexually different parts of Porphyra katadai var. hemiphylla (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) during dehydration and re- hydration, Planta, 229:803–810 (DOI 10.1007/s00425-008-0874-2)

        7. Shide Liang, Samy O. Meroueh, Guangce Wang, Chao Qiu, Yaoqi Zhou, 2009. Consensus scoring for enriching near-native structure from protein-protein docking decoys, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 75(2): 397-403

        8. Shide Liang, Guangce Wang, Yaoqi Zhou, 2009. Refining near-native protein-protein docking decoys by local resampling and energy minimization, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics, 76(2): 309-316

        9. Zhi-Yuan Liu, Guang-Ce*, Bai-Cheng Zhou, 2008. Effect of iron on growth and lipid accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresource Technology, 99 (11) 4717–4722

        10. Wen-jun Wang, Jian-yi Zhu, Pu Xu, Jian-rong Xu, Xiang-zhi Lin, Chun-kai Huang, Wu-lin Song, Guang Peng, Guang-ce Wang*, 2008. Characterization of the life history of Bangia fuscopurpurea (Bangiaceae, Rhodophyta) in connection with its cultivation in China. Aquaculture, 278:101-109

        11. Fan Xiaolei, Wang Guangce*, Li Demao, Xu Pu, Shen Songdong, 2008. Study on early-stage development of conchospore in Porphyra yezoensis Ueda. Aquaculture, 278:143-149

        12. Ying Xia Li, Guang Ce Wang*, Pu Xu, Xiao Lei Fan, Jian Feng Niu and Bai Cheng Zhou, 2008. Induction and characterization of green pigmentation mutant in Porphyra yezoensis Ueda, Aquaculture, 282 (1-4):117-123

        13. Daling Zhu, Guangce Wang*, Hongjin Qiao and Jinling Cai, 2008. Fermentative hydrogen production by the new marine Pantoea agglomerans isolated from the mangrove sludge, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33: 6116-6123

        14. Jian-Feng NIU, Guang-Ce WANG*, Xiang-zhi Lin, Bai-Cheng Zhou, 2007. Large-scale recovery of C-phycocyanin from Spirulina platensis using expanded bed adsorption chromatography, Journal of Chromatography B, 850: 267–276

        15. Fan Xiaolei, Fang Yongjun, Hu Songnian and Wang Guangce*, 2007. Generation and analysis of 5318 expressed sequence tags from the filamentous sporophyte of porphyra haitanensis (Rhodophyta), Journal of Phycology, 43 (6): 1287-1294

        16. Jian-Feng Niu, Guang-Ce Wang*, Bai-Cheng Zhou, Xiang-Zhi Lin, Chang-Sheng Chen, 2007. Purification of R-phycoerythrin from porphyra haitanensis (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) using expanded-bed absorption, Journal of Phycology, 43 (6), 1339–1347





