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        1. 国家365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话局开放基金项目,水下溢油行为及归宿研究,2016/01-2017/125万元,主持,已结题

        2. 国家自然科学基金重大项目子课题,北极海--气系统对极寒天气的影响过程,2018/07-2022/1292.1万元,骨干,在研

        3. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,南海内潮影响下的水下溢油数值模拟研究,2019/01-2021/1225万元,主持,已结题

        4. 国家重点研发计划“全球变化及应对”专项项目子课题,西太平洋多尺度海气过程与ENSO变异和可预报性的联系,2020/12-2025/1146.25万元,骨干,在研

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        1. Cao Ruichen, Chen Haibo, Li Haoshuai, Fu Hongrui, Wang Yuzhe, Bao Mutai, Tuo Wenhao, Lv Xianqing, 2022. A mesoscale assessment of sinking oil during dispersant treatment. Ocean Engineering, 263: 112341.

        2. Chen Haibo, 2022. Effect of subsea dispersant application on deepwater oil spill in the South China Sea. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 40(3), 950-968.

        3. Li Yongquan, Cao Ruichen, Chen Haibo, Mu Lin, Lv Xianqing, 2022. Impact of oil sediment interaction on transport of underwater spilled oil in the Bohai Sea. Ocean Engineering, 247: 110687.

        4. Cao Ruichen, Chen Haibo, Rong Zengrui, Lv Xianqing, 2021. Impact of ocean waves on transport of underwater spilled oil in the Bohai Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 171(2021): 112702.

        5. Chen Haibo, 2019. Performance of a simple backtracking method for marine oil source searching in a 3D ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 142: 321–334.

        6.Qiao Fangli, Wang Guansuo, Yin Liping, Zeng Kan, Zhang Yuanling, Zhang Min, Xiao Bin, Jiang Shumin, Chen Haibo, Chen Ge, 2019. Modeling of oil trajectories and potentially contaminated areas by the Sanchi oil spill. Science of the Total Environment, 685: 856–866.

        7. Pan Haidong, Lv Xianqing, Wang Yingying, Matte Pascal, Chen Haibo, Jin Guangzhen, 2018. Exploration of tidal-fluvial interaction in the Columbia River estuary using S_TIDE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123:6598–6619.

        8. Jiang Dong, Chen Haibo, Jin Guangzhen, Lv Xianqing, 2018. Estimating smoothly varying open boundary conditions for a 3D internal tidal model with an improved independent point scheme. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 35:1299-1311.

        9. Li Yongquan, Chen Haibo, Lv Xianqing, 2018. Impact of error in ocean dynamical background on the transport of underwater spilled oil. Ocean Modelling, 132:30–45.

        10. Chen Haibo, An Wei, You Yunxiang, Lei Fanghui, Zhao Yupeng, Li Jianwei, 2015. Numerical study of underwater fate of oil spilled from deepwater blowout. Ocean Engineering, 110: 227–243.


        1. 2017年度洋科学技术二等奖,深水区水下溢油数值模拟与三维仿真系统研究(排名7/15