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        张 峘 副研究员

        研究方向: 365Bet体育_365bet网络足球赌博_36566666是哪个公司的电话生物学/深海生物适应性生存机制
        岗  位: 副研究员
        部  门: 深海极端环境与生命过程中心
        联系方式: 0532-82898726
        电子邮件: zhanghuan@qdio.ac.cn


        ●2000.9-2004.7:华东师范大学生命科学学院, 获理学学士学位。






        1. 科学号高端用户项目,冲绳热液喷口微生物垂直分布特征及环境适应机制(KEXUE2019G06),2019/05-2020/0420万元,在研,主持。

        2. 国家重点研发计划子课题,深海冷泉微生物多样性、环境适应性与应用潜力评估(2018YFC03108002018/07-2021/06105万元,在研,主持。

        3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,高温胁迫下长牡蛎对灿烂弧菌免疫应答特征及其调节机制(41476145),2015/01-2018/1294万元,已结题,主持。

        4. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)专题,热液口细菌的能量代谢途径及功能蛋白的作用机制(XDA11030202),2013/10-2017/12150万元,已结题,主持。

        5. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,扇贝C型凝集素家族功能多样性的分子基础(41006096),2011/01-2013/1219万元,已结题,主持。

        6.  中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目,高温胁迫下扇贝病害发生的免疫学研究(KZCX2-EW-QN201),2011/01-2013/1260万元,已结题,主持。


        1.        H. Zhang, H. Wang, H. Chen, M. Wang, Z. Zhou, L. Qiu, L. Wang and L. Song (2019). "The transcriptional response of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas under simultaneous bacterial and heat stresses." Developmental and Comparative Immunology 94: 1-10.

        2.        Wang, H.#, H. Zhang#, M. X. Wang, H. Chen, C. Lian and C. Li* (2019). "Comparative transcriptomic analysis illuminates the host-symbiont interactions in the deep-sea mussel Bathymodiolus platifrons." Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 151.

        3.        Wang, L., H. Zhang*, M. Wang, Z. Zhou, W. Wang, R. Liu, M. Huang, C. Yang, L. Qiu and L. Song* (2019). "The transcriptomic expression of pattern recognition receptors: Insight into molecular recognition of various invading pathogens in Oyster Crassostrea gigas." Developmental and Comparative Immunology 91: 1-7.

        4.        H. Zhang, H. Wang, R. Liu, L. L. Wang and L. S. Song* (2018). "Cloning and characterization of a leucine aminopeptidase from Pseudoalteromonas telluritireducens DSM 16098, a strain isolated from hydrothermal vents fluid." Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 138: 114-121.

        5.        H. Zhang, R. Liu, M. Wang, H. Wang, Q. Gao, Z. Hou, D. Gao and L. Wang* (2016). "Draft Genome Sequence of Alcanivorax sp. Strain KX64203 Isolated from Deep-Sea Sediments of Iheya North, Okinawa Trough." Genome announcements 4(4).

        6.        H. Zhang, R. Liu, M. Wang, H. Wang, Q. Gao, Z. Hou, Z. Zhou, D. Gao and L. Wang* (2016). "Draft Genome Sequences of Pseudoalteromonas telluritireducens DSM 16098 and P.spiralis DSM 16099 Isolated from the Hydrothermal Vents of the Juan de Fuca Ridge." Genome announcements 4(4).

        7.        H. Zhang, Z. Zhou, F. Yue, L. Wang, C. Yang, M. Wang and L. Song* (2014). "The modulation of catecholamines on immune response of scallop Chlamys farreri under heat stress." General and Comparative Endocrinology 195: 116-124.

        8.        H. Zhang, P. Kong, L. Wang, Z. Zhou, J. Yang, Y. Zhang, L. Qiu and L. Song* (2010). "Cflec-5, a pattern recognition receptor in scallop Chlamys farreri agglutinating yeast Pichia pastoris." Fish & Shellfish Immunology 29(1): 149-156.

        9.        H. Zhang, L. Wang, L. Song*, X. Song, B. Wang, C. Mu and Y. Zhang (2009). "A fibrinogen-related protein from bay scallop Argopecten irradians involved in innate immunity as pattern recognition receptor." Fish & Shellfish Immunology 26(1): 56-64.

        10.  H. Zhang, L. Song*, C. Li, J. Zhao, H. Wang, U. Qiu, D. Ni and Y. Zhang (2008). "A novel C1q-domain-containing protein from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri with lipopolysaccharide binding activity." Fish & Shellfish Immunology 25(3): 281-289.


        1.王玲玲,张峘,刘瑞,姜帅,邱丽梅(2015)宋林生一种假交替单胞菌重组氨肽酶的应用( 2015104523807


        3. 张峘,王玲玲,王昊,刘瑞,贾志浩,邱丽梅,宋林生(2017)长牡蛎胞壁水解酶重组蛋白的制备及制备获得的重组蛋白的应用(201710235727